The Khanda Sikh Symbol Metal Wall Art


  • The wall art depicts courage, justice, and spiritual oneness
  • It makes as a great addition to homes or offices
  • It is available, in White, Gold, Silver, and Black colour options
  • The wall art is made of 1-2mm thick
  • It is made of premium quality steel and is unbreakable
  • Made from high-quality steel to withstand all weathers
  • Unbreakable, tarnish-free, and coated with premium quality polish
  • The wall art comes with bolts and screws inside the box
  • For any further queries, WhatsApp us at +91 9137753072

The Khanda Sikh Symbol Metal Wall Art


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Introducing our iconic Khanda Sikh Symbol Metal Wall Art, a powerful and sacred representation of Sikh heritage and values. Crafted from premium steel with a robust 1.2mm thickness, this wall art exemplifies both durability and a stunning 3D effect that demands attention. We have an array of spiritual wall art options on our website.

Available in sophisticated black, silver, white or elegant gold color options, this versatile piece seamlessly complements any interior decor, making it an impactful addition to homes and offices alike. The Khanda Sikh Symbol, embodying the core principles of Sikhism – courage, justice, and spiritual oneness, is exquisitely portrayed, paying homage to a rich cultural legacy.

Explore our range of wall clocks here. 

Engineered to stand the test of time, our wall art boasts erosion-free and tarnish-free properties, ensuring it maintains its majestic appearance over the years, becoming a cherished symbol in your space.

To elevate its artistic finesse and precision, our wall art undergoes a meticulous laser-cut process. This attention to detail results in clean, intricate lines that celebrate the significance of the Khanda Sikh Symbol.

To accentuate its brilliance and guarantee longevity, our wall art is meticulously powder-coated with the highest quality materials, providing a seamless and durable finish.

Embrace the profound significance of Sikh heritage with our Khanda Sikh Symbol Metal Wall Art a captivating and meaningful statement piece that resonates with spirituality and adds a touch of reverence to any environment.

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